Every Voice Concert Choir performs in the world premiere of Derrick Skye's Neither Separated, Nor Undone with Cantori New York (Mark Shapiro, Artistic Director).
Church of the Holy Apostles
296 9th Ave @ W 28th St (map)
NEITHER SEPARATED, NOR UNDONE, by Los Angeles-based composer Derrick Skye, is the composer’s latest installment in his ongoing Anthems of a Crowd series, which interweaves vocal traditions from around the world.
Featuring a libretto of his own writing, NEITHER SEPARATED, NOR UNDONE explores the shifting and sometimes contradictory worldviews humans may hold throughout their lives. Full of optimism, joy, and warmth, Skye’s music melds infectious global rhythms from raga to Bartok, employing African percussion, vibraphone, and strings.
Supported by

This program is made possible by funding from The West Harlem Development Corporation; by public funds from the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council; and by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of Governor Kathy Hochul and the New York State Legislature. Scholarship assistance is provided by The Ella Fitzgerald Foundation.