Choir Intern


Based at Columbia University, Every Voice Choirs (EVC) offers singing programs for all children ages 7-17. EVC empowers young people by teaching them to share their voices confidently through their singing and throughout their lives. Singers work together to create powerful concerts on themes of social & environmental justice.

Interns collaborate with EVC directors for all aspects of planning, teaching, and performing with the choirs. Interns work closely with EVC’s singers, creating student-centered, inclusive classrooms that promote high-level engagement and learning - the hallmark of EVC’s work across all levels of its programs. Interns participate in EVC’s performances as both singers and conductors, in both community events and formal concerts at Merkin Hall and Carnegie Hall.

Internships opportunities are available with all choirs:

  • Kids Choir (ages 7-10) Thursdays 4-5 pm
  • Youth Choir (ages 11-17) Thursdays 5:10-6:10 pm
  • Concert Choir (ages 11-17, by audition) Fridays 4-6 pm
  • VoiceAbility (children with disabilities, ages 7-17) Saturdays 10 am-12 pm
  • Cornerstone Intergenerational Choir (kids with their trusted adults) Saturdays 3-4 pm
  • Satellite school choir at Hunter Elementary School (Wednesdays 2:45-4 pm and Fridays 12:30-2:30 pm)
Duties and Responsibilities
Required Qualifications
  • Commitment to student-centered education
  • Experience and expertise in choral or other ensemble singing
  • Experience and training in general education/music education
  • Expertise and skills in music performance across styles
  • Excellent interpersonal skills
  • Facility with technology
Preferred Qualifications
  • Advanced, flexible vocal technique across genres and knowledge of vocal pedagogy
  • Accompanying skills (keyboard or guitar)
  • Strong writing skills
  • Fluency in languages other than English
Schedule and Location
  • Approximately 3-4 hours per week, including rehearsals as listed above, as well as preparation, choir communications, and planning meetings

Choir internships are unpaid positions.

Hiring Schedule

Internships for 2024-2025 are available for all choirs. Hiring is on a rolling basis until the internships are filled. Rehearsals begin in September.

How to Apply

Please upload your resume and cover letter here.

If you have questions please email